New year, new transits. The astrological forecast for 2024 is brimming with eclipses, Saturnian life lessons and life-changing travel experiences.
We’re kicking off the year with Jupiter newly direct in Taurus, a pragmatic earth sign that favours slow modes of travel, trips to the local farmers market and a laid-back but well-planned itinerary sprinkled with cooking classes and luxury treats. When Jupiter exits Taurus for Gemini on 25 May, all zodiac signs are likely to feel more spontaneous, social and open-minded to new experiences, whether you’re venturing on a whirlwind city break or a multi-destination rail trip this year.
Saturn remains firmly rooted in Pisces for all of 2024; eclipse season brings a flurry of change and, as per, there will be three Mercury retrogrades in total, reminding you to slow down and favour the scenic route. Each sign will be individually impacted by the ebb and flow of astrological activity throughout the year. Read on to discover the best time for you to embark on your travels in alignment with the cosmos.
Read on for your 2024 travel horoscope. We recommend using your rising sign for a more accurate reading. All you need is your birth date, time, and location to work out your rising sign. If you don’t know your birth time, you can refer to your sun sign.
Capricorn Rising
The first half of 2024 ushers in a new era, beginning with Jupiter newly direct in Taurus and your fun-loving fifth house. This expansive transit is all about stepping away from the screen, focusing on your hobbies and finding new ways to fuel your creativity – at least for the first half of the year. Business travel could be a major theme for you this year with eclipses in Libra spotlighting your house of career. Highlight 25 March and 2 October on your calendar to make note of the Libra eclipses and any professional pursuits that crop up. It might not be as obvious now, but this could be the year you get your fitness goals in check when Jupiter, the planet of travel, lunges into Gemini on 25 May. Maybe you’ll even consider a health-giving holiday of some kind this summer with so many transits hopping in and out of your sixth house of wellness. Save your annual solo adventure for Virgo season, when the Sun enters your ninth house of exploration and travel.
Aquarius Rising
You could be focusing your energy on hyper-localised forms of travel for the first half of 2024, now that Jupiter’s moving direct in Taurus and your foundational fourth house. Think back to the start of the transit in May 2023. How have you grown since then? In what ways have you reconnected with your roots? Whether it’s through therapy or journaling, you’ve likely experienced a few moments of acceptance and catharsis. If you’re not physically moving house anytime soon, start your spring clean early this year to make the most of this transit. You could also be drawn to a long-term apartment swap for more in-depth immersion while Jupiter hangs out in Taurus. There’s no hiding your shine after 25 May, when Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, sweeps into Gemini until June 2025 – making the second half of 2024 a glorious time for your communication-based pursuits. Whether you’ve always wanted to start a podcast, launch an entrepreneurial adventure or write a book, this is the year you take those bold next steps, garnering recognition in the process.
Pisces Rising
Your planetary ruler Jupiter is making major moves in 2024, spotlighting your house of communication. As Jupiter also rules travel, you could be drawn to experiences and opportunities that allow you to nurture your social life while on the road. You could be travelling to see friends and family based all over the world, ticking off a slew of national parks along the way. Then the pace shifts from 25 May, when Jupiter enters Gemini for a 13-month transit. This area of your chart will start to feel extra expansive, and you could be rooting down to nourish your abode. There will be plenty of growing lessons while Saturn hangs out in your sign for the whole of 2024, so you deserve a mid-year summer escape. Cancer season (21 June to 22 July) is always a great time for you to hit the road, ideally in proximity to a body of water, such as the ocean, a waterfall or a lake. Keep Scorpio season (22 October to 21 November in 2024) free at the end of the year for an epic baecation.
Aries Rising
Identity is an important theme for you this year. You could end 2024 in an entirely unexpected direction, wowing the world with your visionary ideas. The lunar north node will be in Aries all year, an incredibly rare astrological cycle that will spur your fierce individuality. The astrological weather is constantly ebbing and flowing, so your transformation will be gradual. You could be tweaking your travel bucket list as part of this metamorphosis, finding pleasure in unexpected ways this year. Sure, you’ll always be an intrepid adventurer at heart, seeking thrills and high-energy experiences, but the prospect of a sleep retreat could suddenly have an appeal when you least expect it. Discovering these contradictions about yourself is all part of your journey this year. Circle 8 April on your calendar for a self-check-in, as this will be a huge day for epiphanies when the total solar eclipse in Aries engulfs the daytime skies. Short weekend breaks will become a common theme from 25 May, when Jupiter enters your third house of short-distance trips for the rest of the year.
Taurus Rising
You could discover a whole new side to yourself in the first half of 2024. Uranus shifts direct in your sign on 27 January, inspiring you to book that one-way ticket on a whim. To top it off, there’s a stellium of planetary action occurring in Taurus throughout April and May, making you very much the star of the show for the first half of 2024. There’s no denying your magnetism; you’re simply glowing. Lap it up! This is certainly the year to go big on your birthday, whether you’ve always wanted to plan an indulgent culinary break or tick off a bucket list destination. With Venus, your planetary ruler, striding through Taurus this time of year, you could also be drawn to a romantic agricultural adventure packed with cooking classes, wild foraging and other activities that bring you back down to earth. The cadence shifts from 25 May when Jupiter exits your sign, putting your finances into focus for the rest of the year. Time to set up that Monzo travel pot.
Gemini Rising
Ready for your renaissance? For the first half of 2024, you’re entering your self-care era. The year begins with some potent planetary action that sheds light on your twelfth house of spirituality and healing. Jupiter in Taurus reminds you to prioritise rest and solitude, perhaps on a solo hike or spa trip for one. Saturn and Neptune team up in your house of career all year, which means you could be spending time away from home for weeks at a time. This transit is all about figuring things out on your professional journey. Though there will be growing pains from Saturn’s discipline and hard work, you’re able to master your craft and work towards your goals. 2024’s not all work and no play! Jupiter’s abundance will be coming your way from 25 May, sending you on a delightful journey of personal expansion. As we head into summer, you’ll be back to doing what you do best: having spontaneous adventures, catching up with friends, and seeing the world. The life lessons you’ll experience in the first half of 2024 set you up for a carefree summer, minus the distractions that once cluttered your schedule.
Cancer Rising
Community is a focus for the first half of 2024. With Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, newly direct in Taurus and your collaborative eleventh house, you could be starting off the year with a new co-working membership, attending panels and expanding your network. You could even be open to spending an extended period of time overseas to start a new role with the north node in your career zone all year. If you’ve been feeling foggy in this area of your life, this destiny-driven transit teaches you persistence, resilience and diligence. Circling back to the theme of community, you will thrive under this transit by staying close to those who help you soar. Who’s your travel companion of choice? Two Capricorn full moons bookend your birthday season this year, intensifying your house of one-on-one partnerships.
Leo Rising
2024 is full of stimulating travel experiences thanks to this year’s solar eclipses. You’re starting off the new year with Jupiter freshly direct in Taurus, a transit that brings abundance to your tenth house of career, reputation and public image. Travelling for business and making the effort to connect with new people could be extra lucrative during this period, especially while Mars hangs out in Capricorn. By April, your innate wanderlust returns and you’re restless to expand your knowledge. Circle 8 April on your calendar, one of two solar eclipses to spark your sector of philosophy and long journeys. If you’ve been considering a long-term stay somewhere, this is an excellent time to try out a workcation for a month or two, or consider moving abroad. Big cities like Mexico City, Istanbul or Lisbon could appeal to your outgoing nature, offering the perfect blend of sunshine, art and culture. By the October eclipse, you could be ready to share a passion project with the world. The momentum begins to shift when Mars stations retrograde at the beginning of December, calling for an end-of-year slow-down and the chance to soak up a singular destination by rail if you decide to travel then.
Virgo Rising
Astrologically, the first half of 2024 is a really big time for travel for you. Expansive Jupiter will be hanging out in Taurus and your ninth house of global exploration until 25 May, before it moves into your tenth house of career for the rest of the year. Knowing this could give you the push you need to pause, reconfigure, see the world and then regroup in May. From then, your practical sensibilities will begin to resurface and you’ll be ready to werk! You’re ready to move up the ladder or even take up a new, life-changing opportunity. Remember that this is a 13-month transit, so there’s time to soak up Jupiter’s expansive energy in this area of your chart, plus the perks of having the lunar nodes journeying across your financial axis. Jupiter’s influence can sometimes be overwhelming. As long as you keep a pragmatic eye on the prize, you’ll be good to go. You might want to consider a remote month away during the Taurus stellium in April and May, complementing the trip with plenty of sightseeing, art and culture, or between June and July when two Capricorn full moons light up your fun-loving fifth house.
Libra Rising
There is some major action going on in the cosmos this year, starting with the lunar south node in Libra. This is your time to step back, take a breather and turn inward. You’re more than happy to stay put and hunker down to ride out the remaining winter months. Any restless energy can be placated with marathon training or frequent hikes. Eclipse season begins at the end of March, spurring some major life changes at the blink of an eye. As a result of the eclipses, you could be seeking deeper and more immersive experiences on your travels this year. When Jupiter sails into Gemini for a year on 25 May, you’re back in business. Your social butterfly nature will take on a new life in this new chapter, making you more magnetic, charming and charismatic than ever before. If you coincide your travels with June’s Gemini stellium, you just never know who’ll meet, where you’ll end up and how you got there, which is all part of the adventure.
Scorpio Rising
You’re travelling in good company for the first half of 2024. It’s likely you’ll be on the road from the get-go with your favourite travel companion, feeding your intellectual curiosity and relaxing by a big body of water. The pace shifts halfway through the year when Jupiter jets into Gemini and your eighth house of intimacy and shared resources. A business idea could come to you while you peruse the halls of an art gallery, or on a scenic walk by the river. As for timing, Cancer season lights up your ninth house of global exploration, calling for a summer getaway. Take the month off and set sail on an aquatic adventure to appease your water sign sensibilities. If you’re planning a vacation beyond the summer months, a Pisces lunar eclipse on 17 September bodes well for a glamorous trip to the Amalfi coast.
Sagittarius Rising
Travel won’t be a huge theme for you in the first half of 2024 with your planetary ruler Jupiter in Taurus. This grounding transit teaches you to form a solid ground and plant seeds that you can nurture. This is a really big year for establishing your sense of place, learning from Saturn’s life lessons anchored in Pisces and your fourth house of home. You’re a sign that likes to move around which is why Saturn’s disciplinary nature can at times feel heavy. Just know that you’ll emerge from this transit with more stability and security. If you put in the work now, your travels will be extra rewarding later this year. As for timing, late May is a lovely time for you to travel in harmony with the cosmos when Jupiter exits Taurus for Gemini on 25 May, lighting up your house of relationships. Though you’re superb at solo travel, it looks like you might be entering your dynamic duo era for the foreseeable. Who’s the lucky candidate? Choose wisely.
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